Isla Caton was diagnosed with a rare child cancer called Neuroblastoma at the age of 2 back in March 2017. She received an intense 15 months of chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment at Great Ormond Street after the aggressive cancer spread to her bones and bone marrow.
Only 100 children in the UK get neuroblastoma every year and immunotherapy – which involves the injection of an antibody therapy – which is not currently available on the NHS. Much of her current and projected treatment is in the trial process, making it an important part of discovering responses to other children with this diagnosis.
We are trying to help raise funds for further treatment to help prevent her neuroblastoma from returning. Due to a variety of fundraising campaigns, the charity has accumulated enough money for Isla’s previous treatment, but we need to help with the next stage. An example of costs: 14 days of radiation for Isla costs £60-£80,000. Please consider being part of this wonderful life-saving opportunity.